But once its fully warm, it goes like a hot snot, instant response. Can only imagine what an hybrid turbo would be like in it
Anyways, on my way back from a spin on Tue night, I came round a bend and the EML started to flicker in a sequence then I lost all power and pulled over & the engine died. Tried a restart but kept dying. Shit, limited mobile batt power, no torches & on the darkest road possible
EML sequence before the car batt died
shortly after that the duff car battery gave up & I was left with no power at all
Got it recovered(Thanks to Gem!) & typical it started fine coming off the trailer after I had attached my power pack to it
Next day I hooked up the notebook to it and discovered
Link ECU Fault Code
ECU Fault Code 26: An volt 6 below Error Low value
ECU Fault Code 74: Analog 5v Supply Error
An6 - NB Oxy(V) = 0.74 going up to 0.82
Link ECU Fault Code 26 & 74
Spoke with TDP & Robbie was able to remotely connect to the ECU(once i plugged in my notebook) and check everything over and it was all ok. Error code was down to the duff lambda sensor & 74 was more than likely when the battery died on me
Cleared the fault codes and let it warm up with no faults. ECU & sensors are all getting all the power/ground they need. TDP reckon the fuel pump relay and/or the clifford immob might have caused it to cut the fuel pump
Will drop it down(was planning it anyway) to TDP next week to get the wide band in & calibrated, idle control cleaned and check the fuel electrical system.
Just after taxing it too!
Stay tuned.....