Thursday, 21 May 2015

Update: 21/05/2015 - Dying Alternator

So after a few hundred KMs, I have a dying alternator. Not bad going for over 135,000km

Only getting 13.1v > 13.6v on idle. should be upwards of 14.2v > 14.7v

Have to jump the car daily now. getting a pain so did some reasearch & I can get an alternator recon'd from Balfes in Dublin for €125+vat

So i'll pick up a used alternator & get that recon'd & fit it. Hopefully will be back to normal then. Hopefully it wont take long!

Will also take a look at the plugs and drop the gap on them from 0.8mm to 0.4mm as recommended by

13.6v on idle

Wicklow Gap Sun in Ireland

Hot exhaust after run

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